Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Rule of Law

We are supposed to be a nation where the rule of law is supreme based on the Constitution and on laws passed by our legislature. Well today the idea of the rule of law is more lip service than actual substance. Take the following examples-

Obamacare has been ruled unconstitutional and yet the administration ignores the ruling and continues to implement it.

DOMA (defense of marriage act)- This is a federal law that is being challenged in courts. The administration is refusing to represent the government in the court cases. This is a fundamental responsibility for an administration to defend existing laws.

Oil drilling ban- A federal judge twice ruled that the administrations ban was “arbitrary and capricious” and that it should be lifted immediately. The administration ignored the rulings and was held in contempt of court (someone should have gone to jail). Finally the administration “technically” lifted the ban in that they came out and said the ban is lifted, but it took them a very long time to award any permits at all- in fact some previously existing permits have been revoked.

Voter intimidation case against the new black panthers- Despite compelling evidence of voter intimidation the administration has stated that it will not prosecute minorities who are guilty of civil rights violations.

Cap and trade- While this has been rejected by our legislature (while democrats controlled both houses and the presidency) the EPA has started putting regulations in place to implement it on their own.

Internet regulations- both congress and federal courts said that Internet regulations are outside the authority of the FCC. This has been ignored and the FCC issued their “net neutrality” regulations anyway.

Czars- The legions of Czars who are nothing more than bureaucrats and operate outside the oversight of the Congress or Senate are a law unto themselves. Their power and authority can not be found in the rule of law, but only in the power of tyranny.

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